Tuesday, 12 April 2016

The Best Movies Ever Made (Top 40) (Greatest Films Of All Time)

In my opinion: these are really the best 40 movies ever made!!! Unfortunately I forgot to mention some movies like INTO THE WILD, LIFE OF PI or SHUTTER ISLAND (or INTERSTELLAR cause it came out after I’ve created this video)… BUT:

Movies like LORD OF THE RINGS, STAR WARS, FIGHT CLUB, GOODFELLAS, SCARFACE, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, 300, MAGNOLIA etc. or the whole old stuff like PSYCHO, CASABLANCA, CITIZEN KANE, 12 ANGRY MEN, THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY (entire Dollar-Trilogy),VERTIGO, CLOCKWORK ORANGE, ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST, THE KID, MODERN TIMES, THE GREAT DICTATOR, SEVEN SAMURAI, RAGING BULL, SHINING, JAWS, 2001 etc. etc. etc. most of them are great, even very great, of course!!! AND YES I’ve seen them all!!! But in my opinion, they can not be counted among the 40 best movies of all time only cause they are old, classic and have good ratings TODAY, most of them from people older than 60!!! Why am I emphasizing TODAY? Cause many of these todays “Big Classics” were nothing special at their time, some even have been hated and only many many years later and mostly after the death of the director they become classics!!! So what is the fault of the todays directors whose masterpieces came after the Hitchcocks, Kubricks & Co.?! Who can say what people gonna think about Nolan, Spielberg, Fincher, Cameron & Co. in 20, 30, 40 years (if they are even today legends)? Then their movies of the last years become classics! So what? In contrast to many of you, I have my own opinion and I’m not being influenced and impressed by the years and the todays status of a movie, what only additionally do manipulate and raise up the value and impression of it! And by the way… all the movies of my list have everywhere !!!extreme high!!! ratings too… you can check it yourself (for example at IMDb)!!!


I’m not really a Kubrick, Lynch or Hitchcock fan! (AND YES I’ve watched many of their movies!)


And for the critics here are the IMDb (by far the most credible rating stage) ratings of my movies:

Memento: 8,5

The Lion King: 8,5

Jurassic Park 8,1

The Exorcist: 8,0

The Last Samurai: 7,7 (lil bit underrated, could be an 8,0 as well!)

The Elephant Man: 8,2

Cast Away: 7,7 (underrated, deserves minimum 8,2)

Pulp Fiction: 9,0

Rain Man: 8,0

Inception 8,8

Se7en: 8,7

Good Will Hunting: 8,2

Million Dollar Baby: 8,1

Hachi: 8,2

Munich: 7,6 (extremely underrated – deserved minimum 8,4)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: 8,8

The Game: 7,8 (underrated – deserved minimum 8.4)

Gran Torino: 8,2

American Beauty: 8,5

Avatar: 7,9

Léon: 8,6

Blood Diamond: 8,0

Terminator: 8,1

Terminator 2: 8,5

Indiana Jones: – Raiders Of The Lost Ark: 8,6

– Temple Of Doom: 7,6 (underrated – deserved minimum 8,0)

– Last Crusade: 8,3

American History X: 8,6

The Pianist: 8,5

The Sixth Sense: 8,2

Life Is Beautiful: 8,6

Pan’s Labyrinth: 8,3 (Lil’ underrated – deserved minimum 8,6)

Titanic: 7,7 (underrated – deserved minimum 8,4)

The Shawshank Redemption: 9,3

The Godfather: 9,2

The Godfather Part II: 9,1

Alien: 8,5

Aliens: 8,4

Braveheart: 8,4 (underrated – deserved minimum 8,8)

The Matrix: 8,7

Forrest Gump: 8,8

Batman Begins: 8,3

The Dark Knight: 9,0

The Dark Knight Rises: 8,6

Gladiator: 8,5 (deserved 8,8)

The Green Mile: 8,5 (deserved minimum 8,9)

Schindler’s List: 8,9 (deserved minimum 9,3)

The Best Movies Ever Made (Top 40) (Greatest Films Of All Time)

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